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Cork Spray Products

Medium Texture Cork Spray Insulation

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Medium texture
Sprayed Cork Coating

VIPEQ® F08 is a mixture of selected cork particles, with different types of water-based resins, organic polymers, mineral fillers and special additives. Its composition makes it a very useful natural thermal correction material for reducing thermal bridges and lasting protection of facades and ceilings, taking into account the thickness applied.

  • Appearance - Paste-like product

  • Final texture -  Medium texture finish

  • Thickness - 3mm

  • Density - 0.5 – 0.7 g/cm3

  • Granulometry - 0.5 – 0.8 mm

  • Fire reaction (UNE-EN 13501:2002) - Bs2d0 and Broof (t1)

  • Thermal conductivity (UNE-EN 12667:2002) - 0.058 (W/mK)

F08 CorkSpray image
CorkSpray colour chart

Properties of Sprayed Cork

VIPEQ® F08 has multiple physical-mechanical properties such as its low density, impermeability, elasticity, and its improvement at a thermal, acoustic and vibratory level.

Permeable to water vapor

This feature avoids possible internal condensation.

Flexible and elastic

Prevents the appearance of shrinkage cracks. It recovers 95% of its original shape when exerting pressure, due to the fact that its membranes are very flexible.

Acoustic conditioner

The characteristics of this material make it easy to reduce reverb.

Low conductivity

It acts as a thermal corrector in thermal bridges, applied to unique exterior elements such as cornices, moldings, arches, balcony projections, and slab fronts. Very low conductivity of both heat and sound or vibrations. It has a very good coefficient of thermal conductivity of 0,058 W/mK.

Waterproof to rain

The presence of the suberin and ceroids that cover the cells of the cork granules allow the insulating properties of the cork to be preserved, unalterable. Its resistance to humidity allows it to age without deteriorating.

CorkSpray is thermally efficient
CorkSpray resists salt air
CorkSpray remains flexible
CorkSpray is antibacterial
CorkSpray eliminates dampness
CorkSpray 100% Breathable
CorkSpray has high adhesion
CorkSpray is highly decorative
CorkSpray is thermally efficient
CorkSpray ecological
CorkSpray has very good acoustic
CorkSpray has no Thermal Bridging

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Invest in a warmer, greener future with our thin internal wall insulation. Contact us now to learn more and transform your space with ease! Whether you're upgrading an existing property or planning a new build, our cork insulation coating is the perfect choice for those who prioritise sustainability and efficiency.

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